
Sunday, October 13, 2024

The dentist

We took everyone to the dentist over the course of the past two weeks. Here's the low down:
  1. No cavities for anyone. Electric toothbrushes are amazing.
  2. My dentist really wants me to get braces to fix my bite. 
  3. Miriam is having a lingual frenectomy/frenotomy this week. Apparently she's been tongue-tied her whole life and...that's true. She has. We have made fun of her inability to stick out her tongue for ages. But she never had any trouble eating. And she never had any sort of speech impediment. Apparently she's just really good at compensating. But our dentist said there's lots of new research linking tongue posture to breathing issues like sleep apnea later in life (see also: the reason the dentist wants me to fix my bite). 
  4. Miriam, Benjamin, and Zoë all need to visit the orthodontist as well. Miriam is ready for round two of braces, which should go a lot quicker than round one. Benjamin needs to pull down what we call his, uh, narwhal tooth. And Zoë has several teeth that haven't erupted (but which are present and need to be coaxed down somehow). She's had gaps for years it feels like. Alexander was on the cusp of needing his gums sliced to allow his front teeth through but I think the threat of that made him will his two front teeth to start making their way down after months of that big ol' gap up front.
  5. Rachel laughed at everyone because she has beautiful teeth.
  6. Phoebe was so sweet and cooperative (which was a real shocker given her behaviour in the past).  

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