
Sunday, October 20, 2024

Phoebe the caboose

I snapped this picture one fine morning when we were all having a little sleep-in together. "Little sleep-ins" is how we survive because this little girl is still not the very best sleeper. We take the sleep when we can get it...and where we can get it. 

She enjoys being close by, both a night and during the day. 

Here she is sitting in a classroom at the church with me on a co-op day. This year I'm teaching one class and then sit out the second hour to read and write while my kids are in their next classes. Phoebe is technically in the nursery class, but we know how she feels about that. And it's true I could go into the nursery with her, but then I really wouldn't be able to work. She's happy just sitting on my back, making her little animals talk to each other while I get through my readings. 

In fact, she's so comfortable that when I announce it's time to collect the kids and go she always says things like, "Not yet! I'm still playing! Just two more minutes?" 

As the youngest child (by quite a large margin) she's actually developing some really good playing-by-herself skills. She built this castle all by herself yesterday afternoon while Mommy and Daddy were both working on projects and all her siblings were busy playing with friends or being teenagers. I was impressed not only by her building skills but also (as I mentioned) her playing-by-herself skills!

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