
Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Halloween Twister

After a brief talk about traditions for our family night lesson, we broke out our traditional Halloween Twister board because...we've been playing it during October for years and years and years. It's an easy tradition to do every year because we always have the supplies on hand so it costs nothing (at this point, though I think it once cost us like $5 or something), requires virtually no prep work (aside from making the kids pick up all their stuff from the floor), and everyone seems to enjoy it (though also multiple people cried about it). 

Those are the best kind of traditions, in my opinion—free, easy, and fun (the tears are optional).

Here are the youngest three playing together (though apparently that's an offensive term to Alexander because he's a middle-aged kid):

Here are the older three playing together:

Here are the "middle-aged" kids playing together (to soothe Alexander's broken heart over being referred to as among the "younger" kids):

Here's Rachel and Miriam squaring off:

Here I am laughing after everyone else around me collapsed (I don't know how they all got so tangled):

Here's Andrew and I squaring off:

And here's one more round between ZoĆ«, Alexander, and Phoebe because someone lost every round they played and needed a victory (hint: that person is not Phoebe or sprawled on the floor):

All in all it was a successful evening!

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