
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Watermelon pizza

Alexander has been loving reading magazines recently. We get The Week Junior (a magazine on current events) and The Friend (a church magazine) at our house. He loves reading all the stories but has been particularly interested in the recipes. 

He's been hankering for some watermelon fruit pizza since reading about it in The Week Junior and he finally got to make it on Sunday to have with dinner (which was otherwise leftovers). He'd hounded Andrew about being sure to pick up the required ingredients at the grocery store on Saturday. Andrew came home with blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries in place of the cherries the recipe called for, but this was a case where substitutions were just fine.

All I did was cut the watermelon into triangle slices. He spread the yogurt and washed, prepared, and placed the berries (with Zoë's help). He was so proud! And it really was quite good. I didn't expect yogurt and watermelon to go well together, but was pleasantly surprised.

And just while I'm loving on this sweet boy—I had to take a close up shot of his face because...there's this adorable little trio of freckles on his cheek. 

He's cute. That's all.

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