
Friday, September 20, 2024

Six little fishies

Autumn is in full swing here, which means our pool days are winding down. The pool is much chillier than it was even a few weeks ago, but we're trying to make the best of our last few swimming days.

Here are all six of the kids at the pool together this afternoon: 

Getting them all at the pool at the same time sure was a challenge this summer—but here they all are! Their swim suits have all been used for more than one season (apart from the boys' jammers, where were new this year) and are certainly showing wear. They're too tight in some places and sagging in I'm sure we'll be getting new swimsuits for everyone before the next swim season hits. 

I'm sure I'll have a few more pictures of them all at the pool together (that's what I keep telling myself to keep myself collected) but I'm realizing that this might be one of the last pictures I'll have of them all together at the pool on a Friday afternoon in mid-September. just might never happen again (unless it happens again next week...which it could...but even then, that would technically be late September, not mid-September). 

That's exciting. And scary. 

Possibly harder than folding up those newborn clothes for the last time...

We're entering a new kind of End of an Era.

And, sure—there will be plenty more in the next era, but I'm kind of reeling that Andrew and I are old enough to have raised and entire human. 

Forget how terrifying it was when they packed us up and sent her home from the hospital—are you sure we're allowed to do this?!—now they want me to send her out into the world?! 

Are you sure we're allowed to do this?!?!?!

So, anyway, enjoy this little picture of all my little birdies (fishies?) still in the nest (pool?).

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