
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A couple of things

Thing #1: Rachel drove me to campus (and home) all by herself today. She is a superstar.

Thing #2: Phoebe gets rather anxious on the days leading up to the day I need to be on campus. Starting on Sunday, every time anyone was asked to give a prayer, Phoebe would say, "Why them? Why not me?!"

We'd explain that everybody gets to take turns saying prayers. 

"I det to say de prayer 'fore Mommy dohs to pampus," she would then retort. 

(Using "de" for "the" is new for her; she used to always say "uh." Also, they way she substitutes /p/ for /c/ is hilarious. She can say /c/ perfectly fine, it's just a bit of assimilation going on when the word also has a /p/ in it, I think. Because there's this kid in co-op (which, first of all, she pronounces as "poh-op") and his name is Cooper. And it's hilarious because she talks about him all de time. "Is Pooper coming today? Where is Pooper? I see Pooper's mom!")

Today was campus day and, as we'd assured her tens of times beforehand, Phoebe got to say the prayer before I left (with Rachel, my chauffeur). We gathered around the table and I pulled her onto my lap.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thankful for the day. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!" she rattled off mindlessly. Then without any prompting she stopped short in the middle of her "amen" (which she actually pronounces "may-em") and said very sincerely, "Oops! Dear Heavenly Father, thankful for the day. Please help Mommy and Rachel to get to campus safely. And help us to have a good day at home."

It was so sweet. It's always sweet when she mindfully prays.

Oh, last night she got to say family prayer as well, now that I think about it. And right in the middle of praying that Mommy would have a good day on campus she threw her arms around my neck and said, "I AM GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH!!"

It's been kind of a difficult transition for her (to have Mommy gone one day a week). It's been a difficult transition for me as well (though I don't mind the quietness of my office).

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