
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Math and Brownies

Alexander was so excited to start his Beast Academy (math) training online this year. I ordered the workbooks for him last year because I wanted him to work on his handwriting skills. But this year I signed him up for the online platform so I could—more or less—take something off my plate.


We had a linger longer on Sunday, which Zoë baked brownies for. 

She left a rather threatening note for Rachel in the kitchen, informing her that Zoë was going to be the one to bake brownies for the linger longer and—importantly—she did not need Rachel's help with that task.

So Zoë baked some brownies. And they were fairly popular. 

When I was in line at the dessert table, a couple of women in the ward were like, "And what came from your house? 'Cuz I know I want a slice of that!"

I explained that the brownies came from our house, but that Zoë had claimed baking rights and had kicked Rachel out of the kitchen. The ladies were hoping for some of Rachel's sugar cookies that she's made for a couple of youth activities lately.

Rachel is a phenomenal baker.

Anyway, we load up our plates and then head outside to eat with all the youth. Because we're still not into mingling inside. So, I was heading outside with my food and some little kids, when Zoë passed me holding her plate, which was filled with paltry helpings of this and that (she's my least adventurous eater). 

"Zoë!" I chided. "You're going to need more food than that! The literally have a loaf of plain, white bread!"

"I know," she said sheepishly. "I'll go get more..."

Just then one of the young women in the ward walked by, holding a plate piled high with food, with another plate balanced on top of that one, also filled with food, and was holding another plate with just desserts. 

"Now, look at M!" I said. "She knows how to potluck! That's how it's done!"

"Thanks...I guess..." M said. "Do you know where Rachel and Miriam are?"

"They're outside with everyone else."

"I thought you'd know."


So you see, I've somewhat loaded my metaphorical plate the way M loaded her plate at the potluck. Thus the reason for taking something off my plate. 

With Alexander doing his lessons online, I can track his progress at a glance. I get an email if he seems to be making too many mistakes and can intervene to help explain things, but otherwise the program leads him through his readings and a series of videos before unleashing him on his problems.

Plus, Beast Academy doesn't have a kindergarten I just had him do the curriculum for grade one last year (on paper). So at the beginning of this year, I had him start online repeating the curriculum for grade one again (which he thought was offensive). But I wanted to make sure he really had a solid foundation before he moved on to the next year's curriculum because...solid foundations are good...and because he's actually got a rather keen number sense and I didn't want him flying through grade two's curriculum too fast either. 

I mean, he can go as fast as he wants (clearly, as you'll see in a bit), but I want to make sure that he's getting it and isn't just...I dunno. Anyway, I had him start over with the curriculum for grade one at the beginning of July. 

Today he took the test for unit 10. And then he went all the way through unit 11 and took that test, too. And then he went through unit 12 (which I told him was maybe pushing it), but only got one star, which "indicates proficiency in the chapter and readiness to tackle the next one" instead of his goal, which is always three stars ("a sign of mastering even the most difficult concepts in the chapter"). 

He was devastated.

But he's going to take the test again tomorrow. 

And then he'll be finished with grade one math curriculum (again) and will be all ready to move onto grade two in September (so...Monday).


Miriam also (finally) finished her Geometry textbook today and will be moving on to Algebra II...once Rachel finishes with that. Rachel took a break from Algebra II to take a math class from BYU-Idaho and has been working to finish Algebra II before her classes start in a couple of weeks.

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