
Thursday, August 08, 2024

Lego-tionary for FHE

Benjamin was in charge of our family night lesson on Monday. He had us create scenes from The Book of Mormon out of Lego. While some people were thrilled with the assignment bestowed upon them by a slip of paper they drew out of Benjamin's hands (Andrew scoffed, "Oh, this will be easy!") I was...less thrilled.

But I managed.

We had ten minutes to create our scenes. Excuse the messy basement...this room is constantly a disaster. The kids have been setting up the doll house for The Borrowers to move in (we just finished reading the book) and there is Lego mess and Play-doh mess and fort building mess and...we do clean down there. It just is a very played-in area of the house.

Anyway, here's Phoebe sharing her creation which was "an airplane with all of these guys":

While you're ignoring the background mess in the basement, feel free to also ignore her hair. The day started out in cute little pigtails...but did not end with cute little pigtails (clearly).

Alexander made a "battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites":

Zoƫ did the story of the Stripling Warriors (or the Army of Helaman):

Rachel's face in the background of this picture is wonderful (she is very animatedly explaining something to me).

We somehow failed to get a picture of Benjamin with his project, but it was really neat! He did the story of Alma at the Waters of Mormon, baptizing new followers of Christ. I really like how he did the water and under the water as well!

Miriam's story was of Nephi's broken bow (I love his panicked face):

Rachel was a little perplexed that she was assigned one verse of scripture (rather than a whole story). She got 2 Nephi 2:25, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."

She had one area that was clearly the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit.

"But...who are all these other guys?" Andrew asked.

"Oh, those are men," Rachel answered. "Just...being."

My assigned story was rather lack-luster compared to the others. It was Jacob prophesying to the Nephites. Half of his speech is quoting from Isaiah and there is a certain degree of bias against Isaiah among members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—not because his words aren't good but because he's supposedly difficult to understand.

"Not the Isaiah chapters..." people will moan when they get into 2 Nephi.

I don't actually find Isaiah to be that intimidating (not to brag, or anything), but I have to admit I wasn't sure what kind of story I was going to show with Lego about the Isaiah chapters.

This is what I ended up with:

Jacob is standing and preaching (and holding a script so he can read from Isaiah) while Nephites sit around listening to him. Off to the side is a cross as well as the tomb (complete with moveable stone) because Jacob told the people (through the words of Isaiah) about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (2 Nephi 10).

Andrew got the story of Nephi building a boat:

We particularly enjoyed this moment he captured of Nephi shocking his mocking/murmuring brothers with the power of God:

It was a fun evening!


  1. This reminded me of our library assignment with legos! Great ideas for lego creations!
