
Monday, August 19, 2024

Birthday Balloons I

We are hopelessly behind in celebratory events this year. I really didn't think the summer would end up being as hard as it was...but then pneumonia happened...and it ended up being as hard as it was.

That said, for FHE we finally finished up writing our birthday balloons for everyone.

Yes, it took us May, June, July, and August to finally write birthday balloons for Zoë, Benjamin, me, and Rachel. We figured we should finish them up before the next wave of birthdays hits us in a month.

Here's for Zoë:

From Benjamin:
You're nine! That's 3² and so old. You are a good swimmer and sister and just an amazing person altogether. 

Origami cadet
Elated to be 9

I love you!
From Alex:
Happy b-day, Zoë! One amazing sister. To Zoë. Three loving sisters.
From Rachel:
Dear Zoë,

I can't believe you're nine already. That's so crazy1 You're such a kind, smart, funny kid, and I'm glad to have you as my sister. I think you're a great big sister for Alex and Phoebe, too. You're so good at art and music, and I'm excited to see you grow and get even better at the things you like doing. I love you!

Happy birthday! 

Love, Rachel
From me:
On this day, nine years ago, a beautiful baby girl was born. Here are nine things I love about her...

1) her laughter—infectious and genuine
2) she is very friendly and social
3) she is always willing to play with her younger siblings
4) she is diligent about her schoolwork and music practice
5) she is good at learning new things—from alto to breaststroke to bike riding
6) she is a phenomenal speller
7) she is a wonderful writer and marvelous mathematician
8) she always tries to make good choices and thinks of others
9) even if she still doesn't sleep at night, she's stopped screaming all night long!
I love you, Zoë! Happy birthday! Love, Mom!
(When Zoë read this—on her birthday, thank you very much, because my birthday greetings were timely, she said, "That's it?! Just nine things?!" I thought it was a good list.)

From Miriam:
Happy (super, super late) birthday, Zoë!

It's been great seeing what a wonderful 9-year-old you've grown into. You are so willing to help your family, practice the piano, and learn new crafts! I love you and can't wait to see what else you do!
From Dad:

I'm so happy that you're 9! You're such a great helper and fun sister and are a fun person to be around! I'm excited to see how much you grew this year!

Love, Dad
For Benjamin:

From Dad:
Ben! Happy belated birthday!

You've grown so much this past year and have become so much more responsible and "charming young man"-ly. I'm excited to see how much you learn and grow this year!

Love, Dad
From Mom:
Benjamin! You're 12 years old and growing up great! I love your enthusiasm for life—you have so many dreams and plans. Picking something and following through can be hard for you, but look at what you accomplished on swim team this year! I'm proud of you for trying something new. When you tackle a problem with energy and focus it's amazing what you can accomplish! Just look at how clean you're keeping your room! You're an awesome kid and I love you!
From Miriam: 
Best oldest younger brother
Excellent Lego builder
Nice and "Charming Young Man"

Ben! Happy (really late) birthday! You are an awesome 12-year-old and I'm looking forward to what you'll accomplish the rest of this year in linocuts and woodcarving and drawing...
From Alex:
Wow! You are already 12! That is a wonderful age. I love how you are so loving and a wonderful Lego builder.
From Zoë:
'Nnoying sometimes
Amazing vocal cords
Infinite love

Happy birthday!
From Rachel:
Dear Ben,

It's so crazy that you're 12 already! Well, at the time I'm writing this you've been 12 for a while. But my procrastination doesn't really make it less crazy. You're a funny, smart, helpful kid, and I'm glad you're my brother. I'm excited to be able to watch you grow up even more. I love you. And happy super late birthday!
For li'l ol' me:

From Rachel:
Happy very late birthday! Sorry I'm only writing this almost two months later. What can you really expect from your First Pancake Kid, though, right? You're such a good teacher and mom, and you're so supportive of me academically and otherwise. I'm excited for you to start working on your PhD, good luck. I love you!
From Andrew:

Happy belated birthday!

You're going to do amazing things this year! The kids are fantastic and they've learned so much because of you. And now you're going to get a PhD and learn so much and create important new knowledge.

You've got this!

Love, Me
From Benjamin:
Mom! I can't believe that you are already 49 40 39. Just one more year and you will be 40. That's crazy. I love that you help me with my schoolwork and that you are working on a PhD. I can not wait until you and dad are doctor and doctor Heiss. Happy birthday!
From Zoë:
Cold feet
(whY must you have this Y in your name?)
You are da best!
From Alex:
Congrats on your PhD
Yield to enticing to do good
I had a brief moment of panic when he read out "neglect...less." Not that thoughts that I'm neglecting my children keep me up at night or anything...

From Miriam:

I love you so much. You always support me, academically and musically. You've always been an inspiration to me, especially for pursuing knowledge. Happy late birthday, Mother!
For Rachel:

From Dad:
Rachel! Happy birthday finally!

You've become an amazing person! You're fun and witty and helpful and responsible and kind and conscientious and talented and smart and will do incredible things!
From Miriam:
Rachel! How are you so grown up? I remember in North Carolina you would practice piping frosting on parchment paper when Mom would make cakes. I think it's so amazing that you can make all these cool baked goods. I love you so much, and can't wait to see what you bake up.
From Benjamin:
Rachel! I love how good your cakes look and taste. They are amazing. I love that you are willing to jump in and help mom with Phoebe. You're amazing! I love you! (get a job soon)
From Alexander:
Rambqctus (rambunctious)
Arth't art (artist art?)
Colege (college)
Exelent (excellent)
"What is that even supposed to mean?" Rachel asked. "Excellent Lover?!"

"It means you need to get a crush!" Zoë sang out.

From me (who thought it would be "fun" to write this whole paragraph in a spiral for some reason):
Rachel—you're standing on the precipice of adulthood and I've got to say it's been a real honour to watch you grow up. You've turned into a kind, capable, and beautiful young woman. I know the future seems scary, but I promise there's a lot of goodness in store for you. Hard stuff? Definitely. But good stuff, too! That you for being our first pancake, for being such a wonderful older sister and just a good kid in general. I look forward to seeing where life takes you. May your life always be full of wonderful companionship (and it probably will be because you've always had good taste in friends and literature). I love you so much! Love, Mom

From Zoë:

ACT (hate it)
Hugs (don't like 'em)
"Everyone go potty!"
The "everyone go potty!" thing is a funny story. Andrew drove all the kids in our ward up to FSY and along the way they stopped at a gas station to...get gas...and use the restroom...and things like that (it was an hours' long trip). When they pulled up at the pump, Rachel, ever-entrenched in her big-sister role, called out, "Everyone go potty!"

That carful of teenagers didn't even bat an eye (or laugh or anything). They were all just like, "Yes, ma'am!" and...went potty.

This story is perhaps even more funny considering the fact that Phoebe refuses to use the word potty. She prefers the word "bathroom."

"Please can we just find a gas station so I can...go baff-room!" she's known to call out while we're driving.

Anyway...happy birthday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. My compliments to Ben for:
    Origami cadet
    Elated to be 9
    I think that is very cool.
