
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I can't imagine a more beautiful thing

We planted corn this year.

I don't think we've tried corn since we once tried it in North Carolina..and things didn't work out well for us. I think a big storm came through and flooded our garden and all our corn fell over and...that was the end of that.

Things went much better this year. Our stalks grew nice and tall...and then they got tassels...but I saw no silks anywhere. So I was a little worried we weren't going to get any ears of corn at all. But then my silks started appearing and I began instead to worry about pollination. We went out and did some hand pollinating, but I honestly think the tassels were simply too far spent to have that do much good. 

Still, we got a couple of lovely (little) ears of corn:

Most of our corn, however, was clearly under-pollinated.

We had corn for dinner on Sunday night using our meager garden harvest...and supplemented with some corn that we picked up at the store. Seeing our corn next to the store corn really helps you see how small our ears were (that little guy was our biggest and best ear of corn):

Will we try corn again? Maybe. Probably?

Andrew wants to try the three sisters method in the future, so perhaps we'll try that next year.

I also might try to remember to water our garden should we go so long without rain again. I'm not used to needing to water the garden in the first place—our area averages 4.5 inches of rain in June but this year we only got around 1.75 inches! And I think that happened across only one or two storms, so I probably should have been doing some watering more regularly. 

But in my defense, June was a particularly busy month!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your corn update!

    Andrew's dad grows corn pretty well, and, yes, he waters his garden if we lack rain. The last few years we've gotten quite a bit of rain, but this June was incredibly dry like yours. We had less than an inch the whole month UNTIL the night of June 30th, when we got a wonderful 1.5 inches.
