
Friday, May 12, 2023


This afternoon I made it to the pool with all the kids for the first time this pool season. We do wish the sun would have come out, but we had a lovely time splashing about, anyway.

You might noticed that Miriam is missing from this picture (excellent counting). She had a meeting with Dr. Kane at 1:15 and we didn't want to wait for her meeting to finish before we left for the pool, so we made her bring work with her. While she discussed pull requests, the rest of us jumped in the pool.

She didn't join us for our picture because we arrived at the pool at like 1:13, so she hurriedly logged on and joined their zoom room (though Dr. Kane ended up being a few minutes late). It was fine, though. Her meeting wasn't too long, and then she got to join us in the water. Here she is keeping an eye on Phoebe while I helped Alexander in the bathroom.

Speaking of Alexander, he made great strides today in remembering how to swim. He was doing back floats, front floats, front glides, and even attempted a few full strokes today. He did some excellent bobs, but was nervous about jumping into the pool (even though I explained to him that I was right there in the water waiting for him; if I was willing to jump in a pool fully clothed to help him, surely I would not let him drown while I was in the pool with him...but he was not convinced). He'll get braver as the summer progresses, I'm sure. He already remembered/progressed so much today!

As for the other kids, they spent most of their time in the deep end. The diving board is back (it was broken for most of last summer), so they all were working on their diving skills. 

Miriam challenged Rachel to a treading water contest (loser had to belly flop). She thought for sure she'd win, but she lost...and had to belly flop. Rachel was (somewhat) merciful and allowed her to belly flop from the poolside rather from the diving board. 

We're looking forward to a lot more swimming this summer!

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