We put up last year's Thankful Tree on Canadian Thanksgiving—October 8, 2018—and just took it down today—March 15, 2019. We got distracted from it for a while (hello, November) so I don't think it ever got quite as full as it could have. But also it was nice to have it stay up as a reminder that we have so much to be grateful for. But considering it outlived Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and Valentine's Day (and St. Patrick's Day and Easter are right around the corner), it was high time for it to come down.
Here's our list from 2018 (it was most fun to try to interpret Benjamin's handwriting and spelling; when we got to "rlefrsusid" he denied that he had been the one to write it at all—"Must've been Zoë!" he said, but it was definitely him):
Here's our list from 2018 (it was most fun to try to interpret Benjamin's handwriting and spelling; when we got to "rlefrsusid" he denied that he had been the one to write it at all—"Must've been Zoë!" he said, but it was definitely him):
- a job
- a leaf with an acorn and a gemstone taped onto it (courtesy of Benjamin)
- Alexander
- all my aunts and uncles and cousins
- Andrew
- atonement
- babies
- bedtime
- Benjamin
- birthdays
- books
- boxes
- Christmas
- covenants
- eternal families
- facts
- family
- forgiveness
- friendship
- Grama [Grandma]
- Grandma
- Grandpa
- happiness
- Heavenly Father
- hoem [home]
- Jesus
- lave [love]
- laws
- learning
- light
- listening
- love
- ministering
- Miriam
- Mom
- Mom and Alex
- Mommy
- money
- music
- Myrna
- Nancy
- neighbours
- obedient children
- oxygen
- peace
- philanthropy
- phones
- plan of salvation
- plants
- privacy
- prophets
- PTA (Benjamin wrote that one)
- Rachel
- rain
- repentance
- Riley
- rlefrsusid [I guessed "really frustrated?" Miriam guessed "relief society?" It's Relief Society.]
- school
- scriptures
- service
- sharing the gospel
- snow
- social media
- students
- sunday
- teachers
- technology
- temples
- thanksgiving
- trees
- two-hour church
- vaccinations
- Wendese (Wendy's, after a trip there with my mom)
- wikipedia
- Word of Wisdom
- Zoë
Wow! I made the thankful tree! I am gratified and humbled.