
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Miriam at Three Months

In the midst of our Roman Financial Crisis of 2010, this little cutie turned three months old. 

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I can’t get over what a calming influence Miriam is in our home; we are so lucky to have her. There’s rarely a moment when she isn’t content. Instead of crying she coos angrily; it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. She coos all the time and has been very smiley lately. She also recently started giggling which has increased the cute-factor tenfold!

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We just can’t get enough of her…Rachel adores her and so I spend most of my time trying to convince Rachel that, although we can’t get enough of her, she can have too much of Rachel. At least Miriam will know she’s well-loved since she’s constantly being smothered with affection.

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Every now and then Miriam gets a good hair-pull in to help keep Rachel in line, which might explain a few of Rachel’s expressions…

They make a good pair, these two—such sweet sisters.

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This morning I put Miriam down on her tummy so that she could show her daddy how she mastered rolling while he was away. She wasn’t really into it and instead of rolling over just gave up and put her head down on the floor. Andrew was a little disappointed that she didn’t roll over right away and since Miriam wasn’t doing anything interesting our attention got focused elsewhere. We looked over at her a few minutes later and she was on her back, happily batting at her toys.

“Oh, she rolled over!” I said.

“No,” Rachel said, “I did it for her because she didn’t want to be on her tummy anymore. So I just rolled her for her.”

So nice of big sister to be aware of little sister’s wants and needs.

Later in the day we did tummy time again and Miriam rolled over while Andrew watched…without any two-year-old assistance this time. He was a proud daddy and she was a happy baby.

And now for more pictures since I know there are a few people around the globe who scan our blog specifically for photos.


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