- Family
- The Gift of the Holy Ghost
- Love
- School
- Repentence
- Skype
- The gospel
- Food
- Soldiers
- Wonderful wife
- Mommy
- Naps
- Good books
- Scriptures
- Rachel hugs
- Good health
- Obama '08
- Daddy
- Flowers
- Home
- Freedom
- Faith
- Our Bodies
- Jesus
- Grandparents
- Heavenly Father
- Our branch
- Music
- Temples
- That Templeton lives in our ceiling--not in our house
- Agency
- Forgiveness
- Nature (trees, animals, etc.)
- Sunshine
- Our washing machine
- Tutoring jobs/Harman
- The power of prayer
- Toys
- Friends
- Internet, IM, email, blogs, facebook, etc.
- The Book of Mormon
- President Monson
- Clean running water
- The atonement
- Trials
- Time off school
- Scholarships, Fellowships, grants, and (to a lesser degree) loans
- Rachel
- White crayons
- Swimming pools
- The priesthood
- Living prophets
- That we have enough clothes to wear
There's also a little leaf on there that Rachel colored and then took the black crayon and wrote something on it. She then started to try to stick it to the wall, but it kept falling off because we hadn't put any sticky goop on it yet. I took it from her and suggested we write something on it, which upset her because she already wrote on it! So we just put some goop on it and stuck it to the wall. I don't know what it says, but Rachel's thankful for that, too!
The amazing thing is that, even with this long list of 50+ things, we still have so much to be grateful for! Heavenly Father has blessed us with so much! That's one of the reasons I like Thanksgiving so much--it's a wonderful thing to remember that you are blessed.
I think a Thankful Tree is a wonderful tradition to have. I am glad you started it. Still Mom, even though I seem to be Donna.