
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On the phone

At our house, almost anything can be a phone. Rachel is on the phone all the time, and she wants me to be as well, as long as I'm pretending to talk to her, that is.

Yesterday she grabbed two rectangle blocks, handed me one, and then held the other one up to her ear. We babbled at each other for a while until she walked off to find a new phone.

She uses her toy bananas (or a toy ketchup bottle when in a pinch), she uses a fake walkie talkie, she uses rattles, she uses spoons. Anything can be a phone.

Her favorite phones, though, are cell phones. She can flip them open, turn them off and on, and dial numbers. Rachel has programed, in our cell phone, a contact named 7bg3T whose number is 1148. Grandma (Karen) has the contact "G," whose number is 11. She also has "GG," whose number is 1111.

She's dialed 11 multiple times. We're just grateful that she has yet to stick a 9 in front of that, otherwise we'd be in some trouble.

I got a call from Grandpa (Layton) the other day, saying that he missed our call. I hadn't phoned him, but since I had found the phone hidden at the bottom of the toy box, I had a good guess as to who had phoned him. No matter where we leave the phone, Rachel finds a way to get it and move it somewhere. It's never where we expect it to be.

Our little lady is on the phone all day long and she isn't even a teenager yet!

The funny part is that neither Andrew nor I use the phone all that often. We're not really sure how she got to be so addicted to phones since neither of us are!

1 comment:

  1. She's so funny. :) I think all little kids like the phone. Something that talks to them!
